Tableau table calculations


Table calculations depend upon the data  in the view, not the underlying data. Tableau Quick 
Calculations occur as a post-database processing step. 

When we select a table calc, Tableau first queries our data source (whether that be a database connection, extract, or spreadsheet). The query then returns the data for the table calc in a temporary table stored in cache. Tableau can then reference this temporary table when it needs to

We use ADVANCED mode for table calculations in 99% cases, because then when table layout is changed values are still correct

Example: In first picture compute using: Table (Down), but when we change table layout, then we will get wrong numbers, we need Table(Across) computing along

Addressing  vs. Partitioning

Functions will return different values depending on how the  calculation is addressed and partitioned

Partitioning: the scope or grouping of the calculation. Defines how to group calculation.  Simply instructs Tableau to repeat  the calculation
Addressing:  Defines what part the  table calculation is computing along. Are fundamental to the calculation

Helper functions

Certain table calculation functions provide information about the  relative position of an item within a partition. These can be used  in a view or more commonly they are used as part of other  calculations. 

First( )

Returns the number of rows from the current row to the first row  in the partition. For example, the view below shows quarterly  sales. When FIRST() is computed within the Date partition, the  offset of the first row from the second row is -1.

Last( )

Returns the number of rows from the current row to the last row in  the partition. For example, the table below shows quarterly sales.  When LAST() is computed within the Date partition, the offset of 
the last row from the second row is 5

Index( )

Returns the index of the current row in the partition. The first row  index starts at 1. For example, the table below shows quarterly  sales. When INDEX() is computed within teh Date partition, the  index of each row is 1, 2, 3, 4...etc.


Returns the number of rows in the partition. For example, the view  below shows quarterly sales. Within the Date partition, there are  seven rows so the Size() of the Date partition is 7

Primary functions

LOOKUP(expression, [offset])

Returns the value of the given expression in a target row,  specified as a relative offset from the current row. Use FIRST() + n and LAST() - n for a target relative to the first/last rows in the
partition. If offset is omitted, the Compare To row may be set on  the field menu. Returns NULL if the target row cannot be  determined.

For example, the view below shows quarterly sales. When  LOOKUP (SUM(Sales), 2) is computed within the Date partition, each row will show the sales value from 2 quarters in the future


Returns the value of this calculation in the previous row. Returns  the given expression if the current row is the first row of the  partition. Example: SUM([Profit]) * PREVIOUS_VALUE(1) = running product of  SUM(Profit)

RUNNING (Avg, Count, Max, Min, sum)

EX: RUNNING_AVG(expression). Returns the running average of the given expression, from the first  row in the partition to the current row. For example, the view below shows quarterly sales. When  RUNNING_AVG(SUM([Sales]) is computed within the Date  partition, the result is a running average of the sales values for  each quarter.