1) distinct min values
2) then summarize
3) then find for total rows overall min
And the thing is ShopDetail and ItemID I don't want to show to users
Lets look my example data
1) distinct min values
To get minimum is simple - just MIN([Value]) and they are distinct by first 4 columns
2) then summarize
To get summarized minimum I use - WINDOW_SUM (MIN([Value])) and compute using ShopDetail
Then I need to take my table to form I need, so I add ShopDetail to Detail pill as I cannot remove it totaaly - then I could not use compute using correctly. Otherwise Tableau will not understand that I want to calculate min by ShopDetail.
After doing this my table looks like. There are three times 106 106 106 because we have 3 ShopDetail values in there background
Now I use FIRST() function
And now I have more real view
To make it even more beautiful you could choose Analysis->Stack Marks -> Off
3) then find for total rows overall min
For determining if row is total or not I use formula
When I have total row then min and max don't equal
So my final table calculation looks like
IF WINDOW_MAX(max([Customer]))=WINDOW_MIN(min([Customer])) then
END) else (IF FIRST() == 0 THEN
END) end
The only problem is that when you have data where you have only one customer row like Area North has, then the total will not be correct.