Tableau ja SAP BO

Oleks hea, kui Tableau tunnistaks allikana SAP BO Universe'e või aruandeid.

Üks võimalus, kuidas andmeid lugeda aruandest on

Kui kasutusel on uus UNX ja kasutusel Federator, siis saate luua päringuid Universe'i vastu.Every multisource universe or UNX universe use data federator as facade virtualization technology. And federated connections can be accessed thru JDBC Connectivity configuration between BOE and Data Federator - Business Intelligence (BusinessObjects) - SCN Wiki you have theoretically a way to access them.

By using 4.1 new feature Web Application Container Service (WACS).
You can expose the UNX objects as Odata services. And then OData can be used into Tableau
  1. For this you need to use new feature of BO 4.1 that is WACS connector.
  2. Create a dynamic query in BO. This is a temporary query which exist in BO memory only. For that sub steps are below:
    1. Select the objects of UNX for which you want to create the report.
    2. Create a query into BO for these objects and get the queryid.
    3. Now by using QAAWS (Query as a web service ) feature of BO retrieve the OData URL.
  3. Use this OData URL into tableau.
     By following all these steps I have created a web application.
By using this application you will selects UNX object and create dynamic query into 

On ka üks tasuline "Connector" (ametlik leht). Kuigi loeb ka veebiteenusest ja aruandest, mitte Universe'ist

Põhjus, miks Tableau pole teinud Universe'iga ühendust on see, et SAP on Universe pärist hästi nn ära peitnud, et sealt infot ei saa hästi kätte.

Kuigi üks asi, mis on päris põnev, Tableau visualisatsioonil saad näidata BO aruannet ehk siis linkida omavahel Tableaud ja BO aruannet