The comparison between Community and Enterprise
1 Installation and configuration
EasyGetting started
It seems that report designer and other tools are the same as in community edition except server side. Son in this post I concentrate on server side2 Data Connections
2.1 Supported data sources
You have four alternatives
2.2 Creating a data connection
You start with JDBC connection. (The most known drivers are already installed). You can directly connect to metadata or Mondrian (Analysis) cube, when you have made them before hand.
You can also use data source Wizard
This way using wizard you can create metadata view in server (the same as with little less functionality than using metadata editor)
2.3 Connection re-usability
Yes you can use connections, metadata etc3 Functionality and visualizations
When you start creating new file, you have three choices
3 Functionality and visualizations -ANALYSIS REPORT
You can drop & drag objects
You can create simple charts
There are also tooltips on charts and keep only, exclude
3.1 Parameters
Yes you can add parameters
3.2 Drilling
Yes works on graphs
3.3 Quick Filters (drop-down, search)
Yes there are quickfilters, you can see them on top of graph
3.4 Geospatial analysis (wms)
Yes you can create graphs, Estonian countys I could not get to work. Uses Google maps
3.5 Complex calculations
There doesn't seem to have any calculated fields opportunity, you can add it in SQLThere are some basic options
3.6 Other
You can disable auto refresh (shows warning)
3 Functionality and visualizations - INTERACTIVE REPORT
For creating reports
4 Functionality and visualizations - DASHBOARDS
You can put together a dashboard. You can use global filters by parameters
When the end user watches interactive or analysis report, then she/he sees the same view as editor. Dashboard is exception
5 Output
5.1 Report output formats
Pdf, Excel, csv (html)
6 Server (Viewer Toolkit)
6.2 Query Logging
Has its own audit repository, you can create reports on it
7 Ease of use
I must say that all looks simple (similar to Lumira the most). Using is simple and it looks like quite fast. But there are less opportunities than Tableau. Server side looks suitable for smaller companies. Although it looks much more simpler and more attracting, I seems that BIRT has some more functionality
8 Performance
When trying with 20 milj, the query was successful, as it used metadata model and query was made in database (sums)
select "city_isp_daily_speeds"."country_code" as "c0", sum("city_isp_daily_speeds"."n_upload_kbps") as "m0" from "dbo"."city_isp_daily_speeds" as "city_isp_daily_speeds" group by "city_isp_daily_speeds"."country_code"