Answer you should know before talking about BI tool selection

These are main questions, which answers I definitely want to know before starting any BI tool selection:

  1. What your business is?
    1. What is yous main business processes?
    2. How many data sources, systems you have?
    3. What is the weakest side/problems in you business? Good sides?
    4. What are your plans for future? What is happening in the future?
  2. How many employees?
  3. What BI tool do you use today? 
    1. Which BI tools you use, which the most?
    2. How are making reports?
    3. Which is the most popular format you share information?
    4. What kind problems you face today? Speed, Quality ...?
    5. How many report users there are?
    6. Are there static reports, a lot of people hand labor? Where?
    7. What level your employees are?
    8. Which kind of analysis your people do? Table reports, dashboarding, data mining, forecasting?